Richard Sheppard

Development Manager

As a capital projects development manager, Richard is responsible for the phased progression, definition development, and de-risking of active SEEL projects. He also supports the scrutiny and due diligence of potential projects and third-party project opportunities in the SEEL business development hopper. Richard is the project director for the Bacton bH2 blue hydrogen hub.

Richard has close to thirty years in the energy industry. During this time, he has worked on the full spectrum of offshore upstream oil and gas development types and renewables all around the world. He has had extensive engineering experience, with circa 1500 days spent engineering offshore in his earlier career on diving, construction, pipelay, cable lay, and production facilities. This has brought direct knowledge and added value to his management roles, which have included front-end and detailed design engineering contractors, fabricators, FPSO owners, and installation contractors through the full range of capital project phases from concept selection and FEED through to execution and commissioning.

Richard has previously worked for and founded large and small energy and engineering companies, both on the project developer/operator side, as well as the delivery side of the supply chain. Since 2016 he has been involved in the CO­2 capture technology & CCS / Hydrogen industries, attending and speaking at conferences, energy round table events, technology symposiums, and presenting CCS technologies at international conferences. His renewables experience includes the design and installation of early fixed wind projects as well as the award of 1000 square km of seabed leases in 2023 for (3 to 6GW) floating wind in the Central North Sea. Richard has a BSc and a Masters in Subsea Engineering from Cranfield University.

The projects and initiatives that are beginning the journey

Find out more about how SEEL are involved in a series of projects around the Bacton gas terminals in Norfolk. Learn more about the Baction Energy Hub, Bacton Hydrogen Hub (bH2) and Bacton Thames Net Zero (BTNZ) initiative and how future NSTA licensing rounds will create further opportunities.